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Welcome to Noosa Connects
Supporting Noosa Business to Connect. Plan. Grow
It's school holiday time and that can mean one of two things - a busy period for our local business operators, or well deserved break with family. However you're spending the holidays, please support our local businesses as much as you can. We understand that we are living with the uncertainty of when the next lockdown may come again. If you are feeling stressed or anxious about the future, please get in touch with our Economic Development team, who can direct you to a range of business and mental health support that is available to business owners during this time. You're not alone so please reach out if you need support. In this issue:
Stay connected via the Noosa Connects Facebook page and Noosa Council Business website.
Fast Five with Kristy Weller, MOTO Bar
Kristy Weller is the co-owner of Noosa hospitality venue, MOTO Bar. Their vision was to create a place where they wanted to spend time, celebrating great food, coffee, drinks and showcasing local produce and suppliers. Kristy is also an independent consultant offering COVID-crisis communications support to local business through Noosa Council's subsidised Business Support Panel. Watch this Fast Five with Kristy
Noosa Council Sponsors Noosa Biosphere Awards
Our Economic Development unit of Noosa Council has sponsored the People & Economy Category Award for the 1st Noosa Biosphere Awards. The Noosa Biosphere Awards celebrate the individuals, businesses and organisations implementing local solutions to the global challenges of sustainable development and addressing climate change. Nominate a person or business, or Enter the Awards today! Entries close 26 September. Nominate Now!
business support
Business Support Panel
Running a business can be challenging at times. As you experience growth, new challenges arise and often it’s having access to specialist support when you most need it that can make all the difference. Get the support you need to grow your business with the Noosa Council’s subsidised Business Support Panel.
Digital Solutions Program
Access 7 hours of business mentorship for just $44 through the Commonwealth Government’s new Digital Solutions program. The program pairs you with a dedicated business mentor and gives you access to one-to-one advice, world-class workshops and online webinars on everything from social media and marketing to bookkeeping and business planning.
Micro-Credentialing - Tourism & Hospitality
The QTIC endorsed micro-credentials offers alternative current skilling solutions that provide direct benefit to tourism and hospitality businesses and their workforce. The program aims to provide an opportunity to support changing workplaces by offering focused training in specific skills to better support employees and businesses.
COVID-19 Financial Support
Do you know what COVID-19 financial support is available for your industry? The Federal Government has developed the COVID-19 Industry Financial Support Guide to help you find the latest support from across Government.
COVID-19 Vaccination and the Workplace
Can employers mandate vaccinations for staff? What are the rules when it comes to refusing service to unvaccinated customers? The Fair Work Ombudsman has published the current COVID-19 Vaccinations and the Workplace guidance for employers in navigating this space fairly.
Cyber Security Health Check
Cyber security attacks are a very real threat. Not only can cyber breaches cost your business a significant amount of money, if sensitive customer data is stolen this could ruin your brand’s reputation and cause devastating long-term effects to your business. Funded by the Department of Industry, Science, Energy & Resources, CCIQ and REDD have launched Cyber Health, a free cyber security program with resources and tools to secure your business.
Growing Queensland Business Roadshow
During September and October, the Growing Queensland Business Roadshow will provide an opportunity to learn about supplying to the Qld Gov. Officers from a number of Qld Gov agencies will provide practical information and guidance on relevant programs for current and potential suppliers. Experts from the free Mentoring for Growth Program (M4G) will also share how a mentoring session can help your business respond to challenges and opportunities.
Calling for Mentoring for Growth Volunteers
Do you have business knowledge and experience and want to contribute to the success of other Queensland businesses? Become a volunteer mentor in the Queensland Government's Mentoring for Growth (M4G) program. M4G offers small businesses free access to business experts to help them with their business opportunities and challenges. As a volunteer mentor you can express your interest to participate in as many sessions as you like. 
New online disaster Hub and App for business
The Queensland Government has launched a new digital disaster hub and free app to help Qld small businesses prevent, prepare, respond and recover when disaster strikes. The Hub is tailored to help business sectors manage nine types of crises from natural disasters to workplace emergencies and reputation incidents. 
Supply to the 2032 Olympics
Register your interest in business opportunities for the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic games. A 20-year pipeline of opportunities for Queensland businesses will be created. Register to receive updates on how you can be involved. Register here
Business Grants
COVID-19 Business Support Grants 
Applications for the 2021 COVID-19 Business Support Grants are now open. All eligible businesses who apply for a grant during the 3-month application period will receive funding. Applications close 16 November 2021. Apply Now
Hardship Program for Tourism & Hospitality  Sector 
Tourism & hospitality businesses will be able to apply for grants from the Hardship Program from October.  This will provide one off grants of up to $50,000 to eligible  businesses facing hardship as a result of travel restrictions & interstate lockdown. More information  
Noosa Council Economic Development Grants
Noosa Council’s Economic Development Grant Program supports projects that will have a positive impact on Noosa’s business environment, economy and encourages local partnerships.

More grants are always being launched so make sure you register with Noosa Council's Grant Guru, to keep on top of all upcoming opportunities!


Sunshine Beach Shopping Centre 

IGA is set to be the new tenant at Sunrise Beach Shopping Centre for the next ten years. Council have supported the funding for a $700,000 expansion to the vacant site to provide the necessary space for the operator. Lease arrangements are currently being finalised. More information 

Councillor Community Chats 

Have a chat with a Noosa Councillor. Held on the last Friday of every month, everyone is welcome and there's no need to RSVP. This Friday, 24 September in Tewantin, Cooran, and Cooroy. 

More information

ATO Webinars  
Check out a range of business webinars hosted by the ATO, including: Considering your small business viability; Starting your small business and Intro to business records.  More information
Tech Kids at the Digital Hub
A range of fun, creative, tech related workshops for kids and teens during the School holidays. 
Starts 18 SeptRegister to join
Growing Qld Business Roadshow
This statewide roadshow provides information, tools and tips to help local businesses supply to government and find out more about other related programs.
21 October (Morayfield) | Register
Noosa Open Studios
A unique chance to visit over 100 artists in their private studios over 10 days in October, across the Noosa region. Learn more
COVID & Business 
Download a range of COVID-19 business health and safety posters, signs, fact sheets and resources.

Business Associations

Join your local Business Association to connect with other local businesses, & get additional support.


Send us your feedback

What business related topic would you like to read about? We'd love to hear  your feedback!   


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